The Almighty Dollar. In the recent conditions of the nasty economic windfall most retail stores are down.....Target is getting smashed like Whoppi Goldbergs hot comb (love ya whoppi). When money gets tight, I go to the Dollar Store. Not just any Dollar Store, the most official Dollar Tree. Your probaly thinking all Dollar Stores are created equal....and that a huge lie. In the same shopping center we have 2 different Dollar stores. One is a Dollar Tree and the other is Dollar General. Since dollar general was closer I went to it first. Now I only went in there for some Toilet Paper, Paper Towels and Hand Sanitizer. 3 simple items, a 5min and $3.15 trip right......WRONG. I scoop my items and head to the register. A fly mamacita scans and tells me the Toilet Paper is 2.79........The Paper Towel is 1.89 and luckily the hand sanitizer is 1.00. How in the hale do products at a dollar store cost more then a dollar. That damn near $5 for those 2 items, I could have gone to Giant for that. So I calmly lied and said I forgot my wallet and hauled ass up to the Dollar Tree. Awwww the sweet sound of hearing your dollar stretch. Dollar Tree is so UBER. It's 'ucking traded on the NYSE- the stock is actually one of the few discount retail stores to stay up and steady at $40 a share. So after I pick up the items I needed, I cruise the store and admire there awesome snack arsenal. The holy grail of snack world has been found. Your talking all the Hershey family- the 8pack mini butterfingers, baby ruth's, snickers, goobers, snocaps, 4 pack of the regulation size Keebler animal crackers and rice krispie treats. They got the 4 pack of fruit- rollups and granola bars. These are the same granola bar that I love and sell at Giant for 4$. Ohhhhhh Mylanta, If I was a Stoner, this would be Munchie Heaven. Non Stoners don't fret, they have awesome cleaning supplies, flowers, house goods and even picture frames. I love this place!!!! Dollar Tree is the place for Me!!!!
I was out celebrating my homey Mikey b-day last weekend. It was a stone cold evening celebrating with all my brothers and friends. I was rapping with my good buddy Butter and his lovely wife Jess (why u do that to Mikey). They have been 100% organic for some time now and we was going over the benefits and options. I was doing some more research on healthier foods and ran into this article about SALT.Damn, this is one of the most shocking and compelling articles I ever read. The read is uber long so i'm gonna paraphrase. The author starts off with saying “Sugar and Salt are the most used drugs in the World” He then goes onto to talk about the Salt we uses is not natural-”What is salt? Salt is a drug! God did not make salt, contrary to what you may believe. Because God did not make salt, your body does not require salt. However, your body does require sodium. There is a difference between salt and sodium. They are two completely different substances and that's what is causing the confusion today that leads to certain health problems today such as high blood pressure.” So Salt and Sodium are two different things---Who Knew. Aww man this story gets deeper and deeper...help you reach the....So where does Salt come from.....good question. “When oil workers are digging for oil in the earth, the digging leaves a flaky residue. Piles of it! It would actually cost the petroleum or oil industry millions of dollars to dispose of this toxic waste product, but the Rockefellers bribed the food industry and the federal government into allowing them to convert it (crude oil extract) into a chemical food additive called table salt. So instead of losing millions of dollars by dumping this waste product, the Rockefellers and their oil industry actually make or profit million of dollars.” Rockefeller Ya'll. That is in-genius idea and execution. So in a sense table salt is bleach waste. It's a compelling and deep read. Maybe a second thought when you reach for the salt shaker.Full Article http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfxb52wg_20fh68w4d8
Interesting Slide Showhttp://www.medicinenet.com/salt_shockers_pictures_slideshow/article.htm
Funny when fat people get on health kicks but I got one more nugget. Men's Health comprised a list of the most un-healthiest restaurant. Surprisingly the list consisted of more sit down spots then fast food. In fact McDonald received a B+ while Baja Fresh got a D. Why Baja...why did you have to do it. Baja is/was one of my fave spots for lunch. When I worked in Bethesda, me and my good buddy Marble would get the Burrito Ultimo Chicken. An incredible tortilla concoction of grilled chicken, lettuce tomatoes and salsa verde topped up with some pico da gallo. An instant party in your mouth but then you read this review
Baja Fresh
It's a surprise Baja Fresh's menu has yet to collapse under the weight of its own fatty fare. About a third of the items on the menu have more than 1,000 calories, and most of them are spiked with enough sodium to melt a polar icecap. Order the Shrimp Burrito Dos Manos Enchilado-Style, for instance, and you're looking at 5,130 mg sodium—that's more than 2 days' worth in one sitting!
SURVIVAL STRATEGY: Unless you're comfortable stuffing 110 grams of fat into your arteries, avoid the nachos at all costs. In fact, avoid almost everything on this menu. The only safe options are the tacos, or a salad topped with salsa verde and served without the belly-busting tortilla bowl.
No the most appealing ringing endorsement. So lets wave goodbye to Baja and all there goodness, Hello to more Spanish and Apples.
Notes and Ish'
One of the biggest casualty of my Comcast War is missing Eastbound and Down. It the new show by Will Ferrell. It stars Danny Mcbride (Red from Pineapple Express) and some new bad'ass honey name Katy Mixon. When I say bad'ass.... I mean baaaaddd'asss. By far the funniest show on tv and i'm gonna go in a limb and say she has the Best Rack on Cable-
The Picture's dont do 100% justice but watch the clip(1:18 mark is Nirvana)-
I've been catching up on the new season of Making The Band. One quick solution to there problem is to kick Que to the curb. He slow, lame and a girl....put him Danity Kane but in brighter MTB news some of the alumni have dropped new vids. Peep:
. Speaking of Mtv, The Best and Most consistent reality show is the RR/RW Challenge. OHHHH i cant wait....Peep the Trailer.....this is gonna get Funky-
Weekly Bangers
As my UNC Heels embarked on there historic journey to cut the nets down in March Madness. I thought a song that would unite and unify the team to focus on one common goal.....The Chip. I had to dig deep. I was thinking Movie songs that get me pumped up. My Top 2...Inspirational Movie Songs.
Classic...makes me want to whip some Cobra Kai Ass
The Undisputed Come'Up song. This song rings out after Tony kills Frank and all the Coke comes sliding in. He gets married, crazy cash and even a frickin Bengal Tiger. This song oozes kilos and cheap floral silk shirts.....I love it